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  • What is the purpose of Google My Maps version?
    You dont/shouldnt need it! Google My Maps version was introduced at a time when we were still working on the app. The only reason I can think of is once you select the 'View In Google Maps' on the app and your route opens up in Google Maps, this helps identify the routes and have a visual on Google Maps Note - We will discontinue Google My Maps without notice. If you think this is something you absolutely need, please Get In Touch and submit a feature request
  • When and How will I receive the map? How do I add it to Google Maps?
    Typically within 24-48 hours you should see an email with a Google My Maps shared with you. If you havent received the email or missed it or went to the spam folder, try the below before reaching out to us : 1. Open Google Maps on cell phone 2. At the bottom of the screen, select 'Saved' 3. Scroll down and under 'Your Lists' you should see a 'Maps' 4. Click on Maps and select Motorcyclist Map If you face any issues, Get In Touch
  • Its been 48 hours and I still dont have access to the map
    Follow the steps below to make sure you indeed do not have access : 1. Open Google Maps on cell phone 2. At the bottom of the screen, select 'Saved' 3. Scroll down and under 'Your Lists' you should see a 'Maps' 4. Click on Maps and select Motorcyclist Map Once you confirm that you do not see Motorcyclist Map, Get In Touch
  • I get an error when trying to open the Google My Maps url I received
    Heres what you need to do : 1. Open Google Maps on cell phone 2. At the bottom of the screen, select 'Saved' 3. Scroll down and under 'Your Lists' you should see a 'Maps' 4. Click on Maps and select Motorcyclist Map Once you confirm that you do not see Motorcyclist Map, Get In Touch
  • I no longer see Motorcyclist Map in Google Maps
    Follow the steps below from your cell phone NOT YOUR LAPTOP Section 1 : Click Here If the map opens up on your cell phone, you are good or else move to Section 2 Section 2 : Open Google Maps on cell phone At the bottom of the screen, select 'Saved' Scroll down and under 'Your Lists' you should see a 'Maps' Click on Maps and select Motorcyclist Map If the map opens up on your cell phone, you are good or else move to Section 3 Section 3 : On your cell phone, open Google My Maps in Chrome or any other browser Select "Not Owned" Select Motorcyclist Map Now follow steps 1-4 again Once you confirm that you still do not see Motorcyclist Map, Email Us. Let us know which Section and which step gives you an error
  • My Google Maps is too cluttered
    Close Motorcyclist Map google maps on your cell OR Select Motorcyclist Map, click on legend and uncheck what you dont want to see
  • I want to close Motorcyclist Map
    Follow the steps below to close Motorcyclist Map Google Maps : 1. Open Google Maps on cell phone 2. At the bottom of the screen, select 'Saved' 3. Scroll down and under 'Your Lists' you should see a 'Maps' 4. Click on Maps and select Motorcyclist Map 5. Click on the "Close" Button If you face any issues, Get In Touch
  • How do I open this map on my laptop?
    Assuming you already have access to the map on your phone, follow steps below to open map on your laptop : Option 1 - Viewing Motorcyclist Map only Go HERE Select 'Not Owned' From the Menu on Top Center Click on Motorcyclist Map Option 2 : Viewing Motorcyclist Map within Google Maps : Go HERE Select the 3 Lines Top Left and click on Saved and then on Maps Click on Motorcyclist Map
  • My email does not have access to the maps OR I want to modify my email
    Go HERE and request access
  • How do I use this MAP for routing?
    Please use the Motorcyclist Map app for routing. Primary purpose of the Google My Map version is to give you a visual of all the awesome roads. All the roads on this MAP are individual roads which means once you get on them, you cant deroute mistakenly (Route 66 is an exception).
  • How do I receive updates, new routes and places?
    Automagic! As we update the map, you will automatically see the updates on your map. No software push, no new install, nothing
  • MAP Sharing - Dos and Donts
    You will be able to share the map from your cell phone but others wont have access to it unless they 'request access' themselves with their email address
  • Why do I occasionally see a bunch of routes highlighted in Pink?
    When the Admin is making some changes to routes, you might momentarily end up seeing certain routes highlighted in pink. It will revert to normal pretty soon
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