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Be Respectful & Mindful

Disagreeing is fine, Disrespect is not

Constructive feedback (only if asked) is fine but being outright negative or derogatory is not acceptable. Be kind and courteous. Never look down on someone unless you're helping them up. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.


Do Not Assume

Just because you know something or aware of some motorcycle terms, doesnt mean everyone on the group is expected to know them. Please be respectful. You might be a seasoned rider and ridden a million miles but we dont give a shit about it if you arent respectful in your responses. When a question is asked, answer it humbly. You learnt things over a period of time and it wont make you look smarter or better by belittling someone.


Unsolicited Advise

Keeping your opinion to yourself unless asked is a practice rooted in respect and consideration for others. It involves recognizing the right of others to express their thoughts without unsolicited input, thereby fostering a more respectful and harmonious environment. This approach can help avoid unnecessary conflicts and ensures that conversations remain balanced and inclusive. By waiting for an invitation to share your views, you demonstrate patience, humility, and a willingness to listen, which can lead to more meaningful and productive interactions. This practice can also encourage others to share their perspectives more openly, knowing they won't be immediately contradicted or overshadowed by unsolicited opinions.


There are many situations where you feel compelled to offer your opinion. For Eg Helmets, Gear, Car Tires, Trikes, Trailering etc. We welcome your opinion but ONLY if asked by the member. In all other cases, please keep your opinion to yourself.


Support & Respect First Responders & Vets

Support and respect for first responders and veterans. Law enforcement officers, paramedics, firefighters, EMR and EMT are all recognized under the umbrella of first responders

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